About the Auditions
The auditions last about fifteen minutes, and are led by the Artistic Director, Maria Case, assisted by one or two other Executive members. The audition consists of the following:
– Vocal Warm-Ups – The director will lead a few vocal exercises to help singers to warm up their voices, and also establish a comfortable range for each singer.
– Prepared Song – This can be a traditional folk song, art song or hymn, accompanied or a cappella. If you would like to be accompanied, please bring an extra copy of your music.
– Sight-Reading Passage – This will be an accompanied piece or passage in a comfortable range. The text will be in English, although singers may also choose to sing on a vowel.
– Discussion – There will be an opportunity to ask questions about the choir and the coming season.
Please contact the Membership Coordinator at [email protected] for further information and to schedule your audition, or fill out the Audition Sign Up form below.